The Sonic, based on the Hero 235, is a unique putt and approach disc. This disc has a comfortable low profile grip with great thumb traction.
Diameter:21.6 cm
Rim Width:0.6 cm
Available Plastics:
DX: 130-177g
Best Choice for:Beginners, Short to medium approach shots, Putting
Date of Approval:09/19/07
As a putter, the Sonic has a nice straight flight and sticks well in the chains. The Sonic also makes a versatile short range approach and escape disc when thrown sidearm or backhand. For longer approaches, it has a slow predictable turn and likes to land flat for very few roll-aways. This disc is very beginner friendly.
A great utility disc that has been apart of of golf bag for years. I use it for long putts and short upshots, especially on very hilly terrain where it is very important to land flat. The Sonic is very easy to throw. It will fly straight for most of its flight, with very little fade.